Studies in Dermatology

Skin Psoriasis

Early Warning Signs and Symptoms of Skin Psoriasis

Psoriasis is a skin disease in which your skin turns red, itchy, and scaly. The disease makes your skin dry and dull. It can affect both adults and children. If the disease gets discovered at an early stage, it may be easier to manage and prevent it from spreading to different areas of the body. You should always consult an experienced dermatologist if you notice any symptoms of the disease on your body. The symptoms of the disease might vary depending on what type of psoriasis you have.

Early-stage symptoms of Skin Psoriasis you need to look for:-

In order to control the disease, it is very important to detect psoriasis at an early stage and start your treatment as soon as possible. Here are some symptoms you need to look for:

1. Red to silver patches: The red and silver patches appear on the skin. This is one of the most common symptoms of skin psoriasis. If you notice large or small-sized patches that are reddish silvery in color on any part of your skin, then you should get a checkup done by a doctor immediately.

2. Dryness and cracks in the skin : When you are suffering from this disease your skin becomes dry and there are cracks all around the skin. These cracks cause itching and lead to scratching of the skin.

3. Burning sensation and excessive itching : When you are suffering from psoriasis you feel a burning sensation in the affected area. This sensation becomes intense if not treated on time. The itching you feel is also very different than the normal itching. Make sure you discuss the major areas where you have itching.

Burning sensation

4. Swollen joints: Joint pain and swelling, along with psoriasis are some of the major signs which indicate that you have psoriasis. Your joints may get swollen and you may have difficulty walking. This pain could increase if not treated on time

5. Thickness in fingernails and toenails: Another symptom of the disease is nail psoriasis. With nail psoriasis, your finger or toenails become thickened or brittle, and small pits are present all over your nails. Also, you may notice the nail turn yellow or develop small white or red spots. Monitor your nail growth and check whether they hold strength or not.

The Bottom Line

If you notice any of these symptoms on your body, you may have psoriasis and should contact your dermatologist for evaluation and treatment. Make sure the dermatologist you choose is experienced and possesses good knowledge about the disease. If any skin test is to be done to determine the problem, you should get it done and start with the treatment immediately.

We are a team of expert dermatologists with great experience in treating psoriasis skin disease and other skin issues. We also have a department that specializes in the conduct of dermatology studies or clinical trials to help with the development of new dermatologic medications.